Give Me Haven: Alberta mother urges others to help in the wake of escaping misuse

Wednesday, Dec. 6, denotes the Public Day of Recognition and Activity on Viciousness Against Ladies.

Every year more is finished to bring down the quantity of ladies and youngsters looking for cover across our area, including Worldwide Edmonton's Give Me Haven crusade.


a very long time, Worldwide News has been gathering gifts through our yearly Give Me Sanctuary mission to help ladies and kids who are getting away from homegrown maltreatment this Christmas season and presently, in 2023, the need couldn't be more noteworthy.

Every year, a huge number of ladies and youngsters look for security at one of the Edmonton and region ladies' safe houses.

Those individuals incorporate Daphne Meilleur, quite a while back. At the time she assumed she had no place passed on to turn.

"Where I was I was unable to try and walk since it was such a long ways to get to anything. I had nobody to converse with, no family members, no one," said Meilleur.

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She had a nine-year-old little girl and was pregnant with her second. She was in a harmful relationship and felt hostage, until she addressed her PCP.

"At the point when I went to see my primary care physician, I told the specialist the issues I was having and he set me up with a guide. Then when I conversed with a guide they set me up with the sanctuary," Meilleur said.

In any case, one of the hardest parts was at long last settling on the decision to a ladies' safe house.

"I was frightened of what might happen once I got it done, I must be prepared. At the point when I was prepared that is the point at which I made it happen," said Meilleur and she won't ever think back.

"I had a real sense of security. I felt like a weight was taken off my shoulders. I was in good company any longer."

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Meilleur is only one of numerous who looked for cover subsequent to confronting misuse. More is being finished to carry attention to the quantity of individuals confronting these issues.

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"We truly need to ponder where are we today and what can really be done. It's not only a day to reflect. I believe it's daily individuals truly must be called to activism. We want individuals' hearts, we want their psyches however we want their activism to say this isn't alright," said Jan Reimer, leader overseer of the Alberta Gathering of Ladies' Safe houses.

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A report delivered by the Alberta Board of Ladies' Safe houses (ACWS) expressed that from April 2022 to the furthest limit of Walk 2023, there were in excess of 59,000 calls for help replied by the havens, which is a 10-year high.

Safe houses proved unable, be that as it may, oblige one more 30,000 solicitations for confirmation, which is additionally the largest number in the previous ten years, because of the absence of haven space and developing complex necessities of certain survivors.

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With such interest for help, crusades like Give Me Asylum can give more ladies and youngsters locally with additional potential chances to escape misuse.

"We're seeing expansions in the quantity of ladies and kids who can't get into a safe house since we need more space. Those ladies have kids and we've seen more youngsters than any time in recent memory that can't get into a sanctuary with their mothers," said Reimer.

Reimer says that the seriousness of savagery looked by clients is at a high. ACWS has likewise seen an intergenerational pattern of misuse getting through the safe houses.

"We're seeing it where 'my mother came to protect, presently I'm in cover' since that misuse has that intergenerational influence. We're positively seeing that with Native ladies and young ladies, the intergenerational injury that is capable," Reimer said.

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1:58 nineteenth yearly Worldwide Edmonton Give Me Haven gift drive

Meilleur says subsequent to getting that help such an extremely long time back, she urges others to look for help, as well.

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"On the off chance that you feel as you don't require help since there's no injuries, that is false. There are so many ways, they can manhandle you and they understand what buttons to press to get you back. However, be solid, particularly in the event that you have kids, areas of strength for be your children, they don't have to see this," she said.

Her life has improved since however knows a lot more need that equivalent help and they can help through this mission.

"Simply be solid since there are individuals that help you the entire way through. Each year that I can assist with the asylum I will. On the off chance that you can help, help," Meilleur said.

Before, the Give Me Haven crusade gathered actual gifts notwithstanding cash, yet the Coronavirus pandemic constrained a change. Presently, Worldwide News solely gathers gift vouchers and online financial gifts.

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We're gathering gifts until Dec. 14.

To give gift vouchers, we have set up a gift box at the front entry of Worldwide Edmonton (5325 Allard Way NW.)

Online gifts can be made by visiting our site: All gifts will be partitioned uniformly among six taking an interest Edmonton and region covers:

Jessie's Home

Win House


A Protected Spot

LaSalle Home

Lurana Safe house

We will likewise be holding a gift drive-through day on Wednesday, Dec. 13 external Worldwide Edmonton from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Worldwide News television and radio characters will be standing curbside to gather gifts that day.

Not in Edmonton? There are many ladies' havens all through Alberta that need your help this Christmas season. Think about a gift to the safe houses in your space. Go to to track down a safe house locally.

- With documents from Worldwide's Karen Bartko

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